Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Save the Date!

Ornament Party
December 3rd

Create a Christmas memory at Just Kiln’ Time Pottery located on the Marietta Square… you will design, create, & paint a Christmas Ornament. 

Cost:$6-15(approximate) - Everything Included! 

 RSVP: or 678-581-5959 by Nov. 15th 

Bring a Friend! - Limited Space - Sign up Today! 

Ornament Party!

What is a Home Experience Group?

  A Home Experience Group meets monthly to encourage other sisters in Christ, dialogue & pray together, and grow in wisdom about how to respond to the Holy Spirit's instructions based on Proverbs 24:3-4 which says...
           “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” 
       To restore greater value to our homes and family life. ·        To understand how the Lord’s rewards are received and passed on in your life through the application of stewardship. ·        To motivate us to be faithful & trustworthy with all the resources and talents God has entrusted to us. ·        To understand how the Lord’s presence can bring unity, health & healing to our tables.

  Topics Discussed
·        The Dignity & Sanctity of the Home
·        The “Also” Principle
·        The Use-What-You-Have Principle
·        The Table Principle
·        Other Topics May Include: Relationship Skills, Home Order & Home Lifestyle

Home Experience Ladies' Home Groups

The Home Experience Ladies’ Groups

1.     Sign-Up to attend one of the groups offered
·         Green Group Monthly on Friday Evenings – Potratz’ Home
·         Pink Group Monthly on Sunday Evenings – Pressell’s Home
·         Host Contact Information available upon sign-up
 2.   Commit to attend as many meetings as possible
 3.   No purchases or materials required

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ladies -
If you are interested in hosting a Home Experience Bible Study in your home, please email Gretchen at
Host Training will be held on Sunday Evenings in August. Home Groups will then be held in September & October. Please pray about the opportunity to lead women in cultivating an atmoshpere of grace in their home. We would like for groups to meet all around the metro Atlanta area.

Created to Shine Women's Weekend

RW Ladies,
You are invited to join women from all around the Foursquare Southeast District in attending “Created to Shine” Women’s Conference. Each of us are uniquely designed to be the light of Jesus in our world. (Matthew 5:16)

The guest speakers this year are Melinda Scott and Michelle Long Reece. We know that they will challenge us to walk away embracing who God has crafted us to be, and to shine brightly the light God has given us. Some of us may be a diamond in the rough and some may be shining brilliantly, either way our lives will be touched by God’s presence and be challenged to shine brightly.

The conference will be from Friday, September 23 – Sunday, September 25 at the Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort in Myrtle Beach, SC.  Registration is open!

We are looking forward to see what God has in store for us… Can’t wait to see you there!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Staying Attached

"Live in Me, and I will live in you. A branch cannot produce any fruit by itself. It has to stay attached to the vine. In the same way, you cannot produce fruit unless you live in Me." John 15:4
A branch staying attached to the vine is crucial for survival. A branch that is disconnected is nothing more than a stick! 
If we want to live as God's Divine Design, we must stay attached to Jesus. We are nourished by His word, refreshed in His presence, and secured by His unfailing, never-ending love!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Home Experience Hostess

Ladies -
If you are interested in hosting a Home Experience Bible Study in your home, please email Gretchen at
Host Training will be held on Sunday Evenings in August. Home Groups will then be held in September & October. Please pray about the opportunity to lead women in cultivating an atmoshpere of grace in their home. We would like for groups to meet all around the metro Atlanta area.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Created to Shine

Save the date…
SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011


A Cup of Friendship

A Cup of Friendship
Friday, June 3

Create a “cup of friendship” at Just Kiln’ Time Pottery located on the Marietta Square…                   

you will design, create, & paint your cup. 

Cost:$20(approximate)  Everything Included!


RSVP: or 678-581-5959 by June 1st

Bring a Friend! - Limited Space - Sign up Today! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Home Experience Home Group Leaders

Ladies -
If you are interested in hosting a Home Experience Bible Study in your home, please email Gretchen at
Host Training will be held on Sunday Evenings in August. Home Groups will then be held in September & October. Please pray about the opportunity to lead women in cultivating an atmoshpere of grace in their home. We would like for groups to meet all around the metro Atlanta area.