Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Staying Attached

"Live in Me, and I will live in you. A branch cannot produce any fruit by itself. It has to stay attached to the vine. In the same way, you cannot produce fruit unless you live in Me." John 15:4
A branch staying attached to the vine is crucial for survival. A branch that is disconnected is nothing more than a stick! 
If we want to live as God's Divine Design, we must stay attached to Jesus. We are nourished by His word, refreshed in His presence, and secured by His unfailing, never-ending love!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Home Experience Hostess

Ladies -
If you are interested in hosting a Home Experience Bible Study in your home, please email Gretchen at pastorgretchen@refugewest.com
Host Training will be held on Sunday Evenings in August. Home Groups will then be held in September & October. Please pray about the opportunity to lead women in cultivating an atmoshpere of grace in their home. We would like for groups to meet all around the metro Atlanta area.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Created to Shine

Save the date…
SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011


A Cup of Friendship

A Cup of Friendship
Friday, June 3

Create a “cup of friendship” at Just Kiln’ Time Pottery located on the Marietta Square…                   

you will design, create, & paint your cup. 

Cost:$20(approximate)  Everything Included!


RSVP: info@refugewest.com or 678-581-5959 by June 1st

Bring a Friend! - Limited Space - Sign up Today!